To Fax or Not To Fax?

I received a call from a physician regarding him receiving a fax that did not belong to him plus it contained private patient information. I had a 30 minute dialog with the physician and he was pleading his cause that no doctors offices should no…

Cumberland Success Story

  The life-changing moment for Bill and Dinah Vogel came 14 years ago, when their youngest son Charlie—only two at the time—was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy, a neuromuscular disease that would confine him to a wheelchair. Both Bill and Dinah had busy careers, but…

Your Feel-Good Playlist for Those Tough Nursing Days

Your Feel-Good Playlist for Those Tough Nursing Days | Scrubbed In: The Store Blog. “One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” — Bob Marley Bob Marley was on to something. Music can be effective as a non-pharmacologic pain intervention. It…

Study may lead to aggressive tack on hospital germs

Sarasota Herald-Tribune 05/30/2013, Page A08 HEALTH / SCIENCE Study may lead to aggressive tack on hospital germs By LINDSEY TANNER AP Medical Writer CHICAGO — Infections in U.S. hospitals kill tens of thousands of people each year, and many institutions fight back by screening new patients…

5 Ways the Nursing Field Is Changing

5 Ways the Nursing Field Is Changing By Jill Elaine Hughes| March 7, 2013 Phoenix Forward: Perspectives Nurses a generation ago often had different goals than those in the profession today. “Back when I first started out in 1980, there were a lot of ‘refrigerator nurses,’ housewives…

Nurses Use Smartphones

Sarasota Memorial Hospital deploys devices for time-saving messaging, bed tracking and more… This is a great example of how technology can be used for improvement of patient care initiatives. I am proud to work at Sarsota Memorial Hospital and we were the first one…