The Top Ten File: The Top 10 Things You Need To Know To Be A Nurse .
Posted by kbuxman on February 2, 2012
10. If it’s wet, make it dry.
9. If it’s dry, make it wet.
8. Always ask for on-call pay before agreeing to overtime.
7. Never tell management what you are really thinking.
6. Never finish report with, “You have an easy assignment”.
5. Never say, “This looks like a easy assignment”.
4. Don’t expect anyone to do their job – especially when you really need them to.
3. Don’t expect doctors to believe anything you tell them.
2. If you don’t have enough time to do everything, take 30 minutes to complain about it and then make it all happen.
1. If it moves, rattles, shakes, falls down, or won’t stay in place: tape it.