Tech NewsA Pair of Bills in Congress threaten Internet freedomThere’s a pair of bills in the Senate and Congress which would grant the federal government the right to ban any website and put it on a blacklist. Worse, it would also grant private entities like…
Author: TechieRN
How do they see us?
I was thinking today while running, I wonder if I am making an impression for the good in my world meaning to the people around me at both work, church and my family. In the same way; I do consider myself to be a “Christian”…
Google’s changing the search game again
Google’s changing the search game again Google has changed it’s search algorithms again. Some say it protects searchers from sites that offer articles that are designed to get ads in front of you, while others – like Amanda Hesser – say it will change the…
Hello world!
Welcome to my new blog. This is my first attempt to enter the real world of blogging and beleive it or not I am a very technical person as given my username TechieRN might be a dead giveaway. I am not sure if I will…