I am always on the lookout for new technologies but this medical technology that is made in Israel is truly remarkable. Checkout some of these links to technologies below and see if you agree they are amazing too. Orcam – OrCam harnesses the power of Artificial Vision…
Author: TechieRN
Should you use an iPhone case?
Since my post regarding Steve Jobs would Cringe! I stumbled across this article which is very good and goes along with my post and thoughts so I would like to share it with you, enjoy :=) Despite the fact that it has been out for over half…
Steve Jobs would Cringe!
For a long time I have noticed many people including myself when I purchased my own iPhone, that I bought a protective case for it that could almost withstand an Atomic Blast. In the same way; after reading the Biography on Steve Jobs, I know…
Cumberland Success Story
The life-changing moment for Bill and Dinah Vogel came 14 years ago, when their youngest son Charlie—only two at the time—was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy, a neuromuscular disease that would confine him to a wheelchair. Both Bill and Dinah had busy careers, but…
How to $ave money on your Phone (Landline), Internet and Cable Bills
I get questions all of the time regarding how can I save money at home using various technologies and so forth. This is my current set-up for my (TechieRN) house and hope this helps you in designing your set-up too. All I can say is…
Holy Spock! The Star Trek Medical Tricorder Is Real!
The device you’re looking at is called the Scanadu SCOUT and, basically, it’s a medical tricorder that will give you precise vital information about any human being within seconds, just on contact. It’s very real and it works now. I tried it myself, and knew I was looking…
11 things to do with your old iPhone
by BARBARA ORTUTAY, AP Technology Writer NEW YORK (AP) – In case you haven’t heard by now, Apple is unveiling its latest iPhone on Wednesday. That leaves the question: What should you do with your old one? The new phones will join some 244 million…
Trim Down Your Cell Phone Bill! – daveramsey.com
You remember way back, maybe 10 years ago, when your cell phone pretty much just made phone calls? Back before the smartphone existed? Or go back 10 more years, when “cell phones” were massive contraptions you had to plug into the cigarette outlet of…
Your Feel-Good Playlist for Those Tough Nursing Days
Your Feel-Good Playlist for Those Tough Nursing Days | Scrubbed In: The Nurse.com Store Blog. “One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” — Bob Marley Bob Marley was on to something. Music can be effective as a non-pharmacologic pain intervention. It…
Windows or Mac?
The question almost sounds like “paper or plastic” when you walk into a grocery store but not quite achieving the same results. I have recently, within the past year, moved our family and myself to Apple products, such as we now own: 2 iPhones, 2…